The Group

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

The Robotics and Artificial Intelligence group of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche is a multidisciplinary group formed by specialists in different disciplines such as medicine, engineering, computer science, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, etc. The distinctive character of the group lies in the synergic contribution of all its members to be able to face with guarantees of success the study of the complex interactions between living systems and artificial systems. Our main objectives are focused on: 1) the design and development of novel advanced robotic rehabilitation systems that improve the motor and cognitive recovery of people who have suffered acquired brain damage; 2) the development of robotic systems that assist elderly people or people with different abilities in performing activities of daily living; and 3) the application of developments in robotics and artificial intelligence to other fields, such as industry, medicine, the service sector, etc.


R&D Contracts with companies

R&D projects

Publications Journals & Book Chapters


Main Resarcher

Nicolas Garcia Aracil

Scientists & Post-Docs

José Mª Catalán Orts

Luis Daniel Lledó Pérez

Andrea Blanco Ivorra

Arturo Bertomeu

Phd Students & Engineers

Jose Vicente García Pérez

Santiago Ezquerro García

David Martinez Pascual

Jesus Alvarez Pastor

Fabio Salgado


Clemente Fernández




Jose Antonio Martinez Terres

Former members

Jorge Diez Pomares

Fco. Javier Badesa

Ricardo Morales Vidal

Fco. Javier Verdú García


Gemma Mas

Hospital La Pedrera

Juan Antonio Barios

Alicia Garrote

Hospital La Pedrera

Instituto de Bioingeniería

Edificio Vinalopó
03202 Elche, Alicante. España.
T: (+34) 96665 8592

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