Personalized Therapies based on Advanced Robotic Systems and Artificial Intelligence to Boost Motor Recorey

Project summary

PETRA project proposes the development of novel personalized therapies based on modular robotic systems driven by artificial intelligence techniques. PETRA will go beyond the current state of the art: 1) developing modular rehabilitation robotic devices; 2) researching on novel multimodal stimulation system to maximize patient’s motivation and engagement; 3) developing robot-assisted therapies adapted to the patient’s needs and state; 4) investigating on auditory stimulation during sleep to improve the motor learning process; 5) researching on the integration of intention detection components based on various multimodal signals including cortical signals and muscular electrical activity as well as gaze estimation, with shared control systems merging residual natural control by the user and robotic assistance, which ensures that patients perform exercises as actively as possible; 6) developing a Decision Support System for tailoring medical rehabilitation treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient, setting parameters of rehabilitation robotic therapies and classifying individuals into groups that differ in their response to a specific robot assisted rehabilitation treatment; 7) researching on bilateral control strategies for telerehabilitation robotics therapies; and 8) developing a robot-assisted therapy gaming network with cooperative and competitive serious games.

The final goal of this process will be to provide the “proof of concept” of the advantages of the PETRA project. The novelty of the PETRA project is that every patient receives an optimized treatment schema according to his/her needs. The result is that the treatment is individually tailored to the patient’s needs in each therapy session and in the whole rehabilitation process to boost motor recovery.


The objectives of the PETRA project can be divided into a two-level hierarchy: the General Objectives (GOs) form the first level, while the Specific Objectives (SOs) related to each GO form the second level:


Fostering end user-driven I+D+i throughout project life


Development of novel modular rehabilitation robotic devices


Research on multimodal stimulation systems to maximize patient’s motivation and engagement and to boost motor learning


Investigation and development of real-time machine learning algorithms to predict and react to patient’s intention in robot-assisted rehabilitation environment


Research on a novel Decision Support System


Research on innovative robot-assisted rehabilitation therapies at patient’s home


Successful validation of the PETRA project paving the way to the system’s application and testing in larger clinical trials after the project has ended

Methodology and Workflow

The PETRA project has been organized into 5 phases. Each project phase will be performed by one/set of Work Package/s (WPs). In the following image, the scheduled phases, a brief description of the objectives will be described.

Funding Entity

Responsible Entity

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Universidad Miguel Hernández- Instituto de Bioingeniería

Avenida de la Universidad s/n Edificio Vinalopó

03202 Elche (Spain)