The UMH of Elche presents a robot capable of taking samples to test for coronavirus

The rector of the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) of Elche Juan José Ruiz and the Minister of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society, Carolina Pascual have attended this morning the demonstration of a robotic prototype for the detection of the coronavirus. UMH professor Nicolás García Aracil has presented the advances in the development of a robotic arm capable of taking samples from people to perform a PCR test. Likewise, the meeting was attended by the vice-rector for Research of the UMH, Domingo Orozco, and the regional secretary for Universities and Research, Carmen Beviá.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests used to identify coronavirus infection require a sample that is collected from the patient’s nose or back of the throat. That material is placed in a secure container and sent to a laboratory for analysis. As Professor García Aracil explains, although during the sampling of the respiratory tract the health workers have to take precautions – they wear a gown, FFP2 mask, gloves and eye protection – there is a high risk of transmission of the virus to the personnel who carry out this homework, both indoors and outdoors.